October 2024
Upcoming Events
A Message from Dr. Scott Behrens, Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success
How to Prepare for Winter Registration
Registration begins on October 31, which means you should schedule an appointment with your academic advisor by October 15. (Dual enrollment students should meet with their high school counselor.). Your faculty advisor’s phone number and e-mail address are in the Husky Portal under “My Personal Profile.” You should take an active role in the advising process. Prepare a list of questions you want to ask. In preparation for registration, you should go to your Self-Service account and plan your classes in Student Planning to the best of your ability. Here are directions to do that:
1. Log in to the Husky Portal with your username and password.
2. Select Self-Service.
3. Select "Student Planning."
4. On the "Student Planning" page, select "Plan Your Degree and Register for Classes."
5. Use the arrows to select the appropriate term for which you are registering.
I would like to hear from you, including any concerns or suggestions you may have, so please feel free to contact me at sbehrens@6lwboc.com.
MCCC’s Marketing Team Takes Home the Gold and Silver
MCCC won one Gold and two Silver Medallion Awards for community college marketing excellence from the National Council for Marketing and Public Relations, the only organization of its kind that exclusively represents marketing and public relations professionals at community and technical colleges. As one of the fastest-growing affiliates of the American Association of Community Colleges, NCMPR has more than 1,600 members from nearly 600 colleges across the United States and Canada.
MCCC’s Joe Verkennes, director of marketing and communications, accepted the awards at the District 3 (Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois) Conference Medallions Awards Ceremony Sept. 26 in Downtown Cleveland on behalf of the rest of the Marketing and Communications Office team – Doug Richter, Michelle Gaynier, Janel Boss, Stella Yackee (intern) and, soon, Erika Hunt.
MCCC won Gold for:
• Photo – Manipulated: Printed MCCC Holiday Card, E-Holiday Card for High School Counselors
The college won Silver for:
• E-cards: E-Holiday Card for Admissions
• Successful Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Marketing: Promotion of MCCC student Reese Johnson’s Ally Training Campaign
Huge congratulations to our Marketing Communications team.
MCCC Earns Respiratory Therapy Credentialing Success Award
Through the hard work of the Respiratory Therapy program faculty, MCCC was awarded the 2024 Distinguished Registered Respiratory Therapy Credentialing Success Award from the Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).
Pictured below is Angela Prush, director of clinical education, receiving the award at this year’s Summer Forum.
This is the 10th year in a row the program has received this award, which recognizes programs in which 90 percent of graduates achieve the highest-level respiratory therapy credential possible (the RRT). Less than 20 percent of all respiratory therapy programs earn this award.
UT, EMU Reps Coming to MCCC to Advise Potential Transfer Students
Melissa Couture, senior transfer specialist for the University of Toledo, will visit MCCC on Oct. 10 from 10 a.m.-2 p.m. to meet with students planning on transferring to the UT. To schedule your appointment with Melissa, please go to http://connect.utoledo.edu/portal/counselor?cmd=Melissa_Couture.
Dan Medrow, senior admissions advisor at Eastern Michigan University, will visit MCCC on Nov. 13 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. to meet with students planning to transfer to EMU. To schedule your appointment with Dan, please go to http://calendly.com/mc3huskies/emu-advising-appointments-mccc-1.
Join the Student Library Advisory Club!
The Student Library Advisory Club hosts events and creates displays in the MCCC Library. The current display is an aquarium wall in the library entryway. The next SLAC meeting is on Oct. 24 at 12:30 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. SLAC is reading "The Soul of an Octopus" by Sy Montgomery this semester and will host a book discussion on Nov. 12 at 12:30 p.m. in the Library Conference Room. Please e-mail Liz Hartig ehartig@6lwboc.com to join the club!
Give Blood.
An American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at MCCC Oct. 15 from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. in the Warrick Student Center, Dining Hall (Bldg. S).
Schedule your appointment:
Kindly call 1-800-RED-CROSS or visit RedCrossBlood.org and enter code: MONROECCC
Or, scan the QR code below:
The MCCC Writing Center Presents Poetry Night
Wednesday, Oct. 23
7-8:30 p.m.
The Holladay Theater
(Lower Level - Campbell Academic Center)
- Listen to your classmates and college employees share favorite poems, songs and stories.
- Participate by reading a favorite poem or presenting an original work.
- Original works can be entered into a poetry contest sponsored by the Writing Fellows.
- Enjoy cider, doughnuts and the beautiful Holladay Theater.
- Class attendance sheets will be available to let professors know if their students attended.
- This event is FREE. Everyone is welcome!
Tae Kwon Do Classes
Tae kwon do is a Korean martial art that translates into "the way of kicking and punching" with proper attitude and concentration. Practice tae kwon do to learn mind and body control through unarmed self-defense techniques, discipline and concentration. Class is taught by Instructor Master Mark Bergmooser, a certifed 5th-degree black belt and Instructor Frank Stasa. The next class starts Oct. 15.
Wayne County Career and Services Day Set for Oct. 17
The 4th-annual Wayne County Career and Services Day in partnership with Dearborn ACCESS is Oct.17 from 10 a.m.-3 p.m.at Ford Community & Performing Arts Center – Ballroom, 15801 Michigan Ave., Dearborn, Mich., 48126
Many employers will be conducting interviews on site.
Bring your family and friends to connect with valuable resources and opportunities!
Submit to MCCC Happenings
The "MCCC Happenings" newsletter was created in response to student requests to minimize the number of emails sent to students. The intent of the newsletter is to provide students a simple place to learn about important information they need and events on campus. Ensure articles are written in third person as much as possible and are edited. Send articles to jhollis@6lwboc.com in Microsoft Word by the appropriate deadlines below.
The Office of the Vice President of Enrollment Management and Student Success has sole discretion regarding editing and what is published in MCCC Happenings.
The Office of Marketing Communications designs the online newsletter and copy edits submissions for accuracy and clarity.
Upcoming deadlines are as follows:
All articles and items submitted for the November 4, 2024 edition of Happenings are due by end of day on October 18, 2024.